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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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People shop in town

LGA responds to Independent Review of Destination Management Organisations

“The LGA is pleased this new report recognises the importance of local authorities to tourism, both as leaders of place and as direct deliverers of tourist attractions."

Nurse walking down a hospital hallway

LGA responds to Covid autumn winter plan

“Councils stand ready to support the NHS in the roll out of a booster vaccination programme, including using their unique local knowledge to help contact and prioritise all those who are eligible."

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A close up of a gloved hand holding a corona vaccine vial against a yellow background

LGA responds to COVID-19 vaccination for 12-15 year olds

“Vaccines are our ultimate route out of this pandemic and councils want to play their full part in what will be our largest ever school vaccination programme, given their existing close working relationship with schools, parents and health professionals."

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A city centre at night

LGA analysis warns of half a million job losses in urban centres due to pandemic

“Councils are at the forefront of efforts to lead the recovery from the pandemic, which includes delivering economic growth that is sustainable and benefits all. We want to work closely with the Government to help deliver on its levelling up commitment and deliver local investment across all parts of the country."

View allDevolution articles
woman in a sheltered underpass standing alone

LGA responds to latest annual homelessness figures

“Councils have worked tirelessly to tackle homelessness and the extraordinary effort to get thousands of rough sleepers off the streets during the pandemic is testament to this."

Person in a darkened room looking outside a window 1400 x 900

New report shows how the LGA’s sector support programme is helping to eliminate rough sleeping for good

“Councils acted instantly when the pandemic struck to address the immediate crisis of getting thousands of rough sleepers off the streets to protect them from the spread of coronavirus."

two people holding hands

LGA responds to social care funding announcement

The Government's social care announcement is an important 'first step', but further clarity is needed on a range of additional crucial issues. In the coming weeks, government needs to work with councils, their partners and those with lived experience, in order to develop a care and support system which is fit for the future.

View allAdult social care articles
Reception of pharmacy

LGA responds to latest sexually transmitted infections data

LGA responds to Public Health England’s annual sexually transmitted infections (STI) data for 2020, which show a decline in the number of people attending and testing positive for STIs.

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Sad man on sofa

LGA responds to latest suicides statistics

"Suicide prevention is a public health priority for local government and every council has a suicide prevention plan in place."

Export containers piled up in different colours waiting to be moved

Councils support local businesses to take advantage of international trade opportunities

The report, which was commissioned by the LGA and produced by Value Adage with support from the Department of International Trade, finds that nearly 6.5 million jobs in the UK are reliant on our ability to export abroad, with firms in London and the south east having the highest number of export-supported jobs.