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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA responds to NHS Confederation report on social care

We have been calling for higher pay for social care staff for many years, to guarantee workers get properly compensated for the critical work that they do and to retain and encourage more talent into the workforce. Social care certainly does need a “rescue package” to deliver an increase in pay for staff, a long-term workforce plan, increased overall investment in adult social care.

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town hall

LGA responds to Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman annual review

“Local government is one of the most trusted parts of the public sector with polling consistently showing high satisfaction rates. Councils are always striving to do the best for their residents and deliver first class services.”


Council employees’ pay offer announced

“Council employees have been offered a pay increase of £1,925 from 1 April 2022. For the lowest paid (currently earning £18,333 per annum), the offer equates to an increase of 10.5 per cent."

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Young boy sat on a bench in a museum

Number of children waiting for secure children’s home place doubles in a year

The number of children in England waiting for a place in a secure children’s home (SCH) has doubled in a year, new figures show, underlining the urgent need for the Government to tackle the severe lack of provision that supports some of the most vulnerable young people in the country.

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West River, Wales

LGA responds to Government’s water pollution plans

Commenting on the Government’s plans to tackle water pollution, Cllr David Renard, Local Government Association Environment spokesperson said: “Councils want safe, clean, thriving natural environments alongside the sustainable development of housing, growth and jobs. “It is important to strike the balance between ensuring councils can provide new homes for local people alongside protecting our environment such as our rivers. Councils have always been clear that limiting new developments alone will not be enough to improve the state of English rivers. Our recent research found 17,000 homes

Women standing in a circle at a fitness class and using resistance bands

LGA responds to Women’s Health Strategy

This strategy presents an opportunity to address and improve women’s health, making sure all women’s voices are heard and inequalities are understood and addressed. However, long term sustainable funding and a real terms increase in the public health budget are required.

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Closeup of flames in a fire

LGA responds to major incidents declared by Fire and Rescue Services

Cllr Ian Stephens, Chair of the Fire Services Management Committee at the Local Government Association, responds to the major incidents declared by Fire and Rescue Services.

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children with their rucksacks on bikes

LGA responds to new National Child Measurement Programme figures

"These new figures show there is still much to do to encourage healthier eating and habits if we are to avoid the children living with obesity today becoming the adults living with obesity tomorrow. "

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A young carer woman holding an elderly man's hand to help him to stand

LGA responds to ADASS Spring budget survey

“This invaluable report provides further evidence of the immediate difficulties councils and care providers are facing in delivering care and support. Demand for services is increasing, budgets are not stretching as far, unpaid carers are facing further strains, and recruitment and retention remain huge challenges."

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A close up of a gloved hand holding a corona vaccine vial against a yellow background

LGA responds to autumn COVID-19 and flu vaccination campaign

Cllr James Jamieson, Chairman of the Local Government Association responds to the announcement of the autumn COVID-19 and flu vaccination campaign.

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