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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA responds to Diabetes UK report on health check take-up figures

Cllr Nick Forbes, Senior Vice Chair of the Local Government Association, responds to analysis from Diabetes UK showing that less than half of people eligible for an NHS Health Check in the last five years have received one.

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LGA responds to Children's Society report on children's well-being

Vice Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Children and Young People Board, Cllr Roy Perry, responds to The Children’s Society’s annual Good Childhood Report, which examines the state of children’s well-being in the UK.

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Carer reading to an older man

LGA responds to Age UK report on care funding comparison

“This report helps to stimulate the public debate we are leading on how to provide a long-term solution to funding adult social care to rescue a system in crisis."

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People walking causes a long shadow

More than four fifths of MPs believe adult social care funding needs to be increased

The overwhelming majority of MPs and peers agree that additional funding should go to councils’ adult social care budgets to tackle the funding crisis facing services caring for older and disabled people, a new poll published today shows.

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Statement on local government funding figures

Local government in England faces an overall funding gap of almost £8 billion by 2025.  As these figures show, councils are increasingly having to divert money from other services to meet an unprecedented surge in demand for children’s and adult social care.


LGA responds to ONS public sector finances report

Councils have shouldered more than their fair share of austerity and have tried to reduce any impact on residents, but there is only so much they can do and the financial challenges they face are growing. More and more councils are struggling to balance their books and others are considering whether they have the funding to even deliver their statutory requirements


LGA responds to supported housing funding announcement

“This announcement will help address the growing number of people living longer with increasingly complex needs who want to live independent lives in their own homes and communities, rather than being stuck in a hospital bed or unsuitable accommodation."

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LGA responds to a new strategy introduced by the Office for Product Safety and Standards

"The consequences of faulty electrical goods catching fire are devastating, damaging property and in some cases causing loss of life."


LGA responds to civil society strategy

“We are pleased that the Government’s strategy has placed youth services back on the agenda, and we look forward to working with them on the review of youth services guidance in light of the increasingly challenging context that councils are working in."

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Hospital bed

LGA responds to latest delayed transfers of care figures

"Councils have now reduced the average number of delayed transfers of care days attributed to social care since June 2017 by 40 per cent."

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