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LGA responds to new government funding to support schools during pandemic

“Unless this funding is made more long-term and less restrictive, more schools may have to close after having spent their budgets on supply teachers, which will only serve to exacerbate growing attainment gaps.”

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Carer helping an old woman

LGA responds to Health Foundation report on the future of public health

“Councils want to play their full part in the future of public health. This pandemic has proven the value of local knowledge and leaders, supported by regional and national coordination. The Government should use this opportunity to strengthen public health and improve integration across health and care, backed up by necessary funding."

lady with bright umbrella delivering a food parcel

LGA responds to £170m COVID-19 winter funding package details

“This new funding is good news to help councils continue to support those facing hardship and councils look forward to working with the DWP on the detail and logistics so links can be made with the wider welfare system."

School children

LGA responds to Ofsted annual report

“The pandemic has led to rising numbers of families facing exceptionally difficult circumstances and councils have worked tirelessly with schools to keep them open and children and their families safe and well, through online and virtual contact and resources, as well as high priority home visits."

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Close up of a COVID 19 virus

LGA responds to COVID-19 vaccine announcement

"Councils are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with the NHS and are working closely with their health service colleagues in preparing for this unprecedented rollout, to ensure everybody receives this life-saving vaccine as soon as possible."

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Students in classroom

Radical re-working needed for the high needs further education system

The high needs system for further education is not working and requires a radical shake-up, council and college leaders say today in a new report. The report, commissioned by the Local Government Association, the Association of Colleges and Natspec, the membership body for specialist colleges, highlights that the system is overly complicated, resulting in young people, their parents, councils and colleges facing challenges which have a detrimental impact on those students in further education with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). It finds that key elements of the current

Close up of a COVID 19 virus

LGA responds to APPG on Coronavirus interim report

"Councils have played a crucial role during the pandemic and have demonstrated how vital local knowledge and expertise is in combating the virus and protecting their communities."

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LGA responds to ADCS report on children’s social care pressures

“This report reinforces the significant budget reductions councils have experienced and increasing numbers of children needing urgent help. As the impact of the pandemic becomes clear, councils expect to see a significant rise in referrals to children’s social care and demand for wider children’s support services."

View allChildren's social care articles

LGA responds to PAC report on government housing policy

"Councils fully support the aspiration of people wanting to buy their own home and helping those that want to buy to be able to. However not everybody is ready to buy, and councils need to be able to ensure a mix of homes and tenures are available in their local area, including homes for sale, social homes and other affordable homes."

View allHousing and planning articles

LGA responds to latest suicide statistics and reports

 “Every suicide is a tragedy and it is worrying that today’s analysis has shown particularly high rates among males and in certain age groups, including a long-term increase in under-25s."

View allMental health articles