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LGA responds to £170m COVID-19 winter funding package details

“This new funding is good news to help councils continue to support those facing hardship and councils look forward to working with the DWP on the detail and logistics so links can be made with the wider welfare system."

Responding to a government announcement on further details of its £170 million COVID-19 winter funding package, Cllr Richard Watts, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Resources Board, said:

“We are pleased that the Government has recognised the outstanding work of councils and their partners to support children and families during the pandemic and has acknowledged that local authorities are best-placed to provide and oversee this support to ensure children do not go hungry in the Christmas holidays and February half-term.

“This new funding is good news to help councils continue to support those facing hardship and councils look forward to working with the DWP on the detail and logistics so links can be made with the wider welfare system.

“We also want to work with Government to ensure councils have the long-term sustainable funding to do more planned preventative work to address underlying causes of hardship and disadvantage, and provide support to all households who need it.”