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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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House in the distance

100,000 social homes a year needed as part of COVID-19 recovery - councils warn

A post-pandemic building boom of 100,000 affordable homes a year is needed to provide housing fit for social care, health and other key workers who have fought coronavirus on the frontline and the families of those who lost their lives, a new report by the Local Government Association sets out today.


LGA responds to NEU holiday local offer proposal

"We agree that councils must be fully funded and have local flexibility to deliver any scheme that aims to provide additional support and services to vulnerable children and young people over the summer."

People walking in a public place

LGA responds to PHE report on impact of COVID-19 on BAME groups

"This report highlights the work that still needs to be done to ensure BAME communities are not disproportionately impacted by coronavirus."

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Man sitting on sofa with his cat

LGA responds to latest unemployment and furlough figures

"Councils want to work with the Government to develop post COVID-19 economic recovery options, including increased national investment to create jobs and help young people and adults secure them."

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LGA responds to free school meals announcement

“The coronavirus pandemic has shown that listening and working together can lead to policies that have positive outcomes for our most vulnerable communities, including children and young people from low-income families."

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Elderly man in care home

LGA responds to latest ONS figures on coronavirus deaths

"Social care remains the frontline in the fight against coronavirus and while it is clear we are now past the peak of the virus in care homes, it is still seriously concerning that nearly a third of all deaths from COVID-19 continues to happen in these settings."

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LGA responds to RNLI plans to increase lifeguard patrols

“It is reassuring to know that lifeguard provision will increase as this country faces what could be its busiest ever summer beach season, with many schools closed and restrictions on travel abroad."

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Pound coins

COVID-19 council funding crisis: LGA statement on Minister comments

"We are pleased that the Government has indicated it is working on a comprehensive plan to address the ongoing financial challenges councils face this financial year as they lead communities through the COVID-19 crisis. We urge the Government to bring forward details of this plan as soon as possible."


HCLG Committee cladding report – LGA statement

"The LGA shares the Committee’s view that three years after the Grenfell Tower fire, the remediation of dangerous buildings is proceeding too slowly. Social landlords have been quick to address the issue, but progress in the private sector has been unacceptably slow."

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Close up of a COVID 19 virus

Coronavirus: LGA responds to test and trace service figures

"Councils remain ready to work with the Government so they can use their experience and expertise to help contact and trace these people."

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