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Coronavirus: LGA responds to test and trace service figures

"Councils remain ready to work with the Government so they can use their experience and expertise to help contact and trace these people."

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Responding to the publication of the NHS Test and Trace service figures for the period 28 May – 3 June 2020, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“We are pleased that government has acknowledged the crucial role of councils in the NHS Test and Trace scheme and provided £300 million of much-needed funding. Recent clarity on how this funding will be distributed is helpful to councils in planning effectively, as they support the national roll-out of this scheme.

“We all need to do whatever is possible to get this pandemic under control and it is in everyone’s interests that this test and trace system works as planned.

“If we are to collectively defeat coronavirus, people need to continue to do their civic duty and share their contacts. This is vital so that we can stop its transmission and protect those most at risk, including older people and those who are most vulnerable.

“The service has not yet been able to reach a number of people, whose contact details were unavailable or incorrect or where there has been no response to text, email and call reminders. Councils remain ready to work with the Government so they can use their experience and expertise to help contact and trace these people.

“We will continue to work with government to ensure councils have the powers, flexibilities, data and long-term funding they need to maximise their capabilities, skills and experience and ensure the programme is run effectively and is sustainable.”