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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA responds to funding for new domestic abuse duty for councils

“Tackling domestic abuse is an issue that councils take very seriously, so we are pleased that government has agreed to provide funding to help local authorities prepare for the introduction of the Domestic Abuse Bill, which the LGA has supported."

View allCommunity safety articles
A woman on a laptop searching for a job

COBRA-style action needed to save 'lost generation' of young people

The Government needs to use the Spending Review to devolve careers advice, post-16 and skills budgets and powers to local areas. This would allow councils, schools, colleges and employers to work together to improve provision for young people so that they can get on in life.

View allEmployment and skills articles
photo of stethoscope on desk

LGA responds to NHS health check latest statistics

“Coronavirus has impacted all our lives, with many health check services halted in March to help with the wider national effort. As these fully resume, it will be more important than ever for those eligible for a health check to sign up for one."

crane putting new roof on a house

LGA - Thousands of affordable home would have been lost under planning reforms

Communities could have missed out on nearly 30,000 affordable homes in the past five years if proposed government planning reforms were in place, new analysis by the LGA reveals today.

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LGA responds to Independent Age report on older people's mental health

“We need a new national focus on helping everyone stay mentally well, including those affected by COVID-19, backed-up by funding for councils to spend with the voluntary and community sector on meeting local mental wellbeing needs."

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Hand operating a juice machine in a coffee shop

LGA responds to PHE report on voluntary sugar reduction

"It is vital that councils are able to decide how the hundreds of millions of pounds raised from the levy is invested, to ensure that our children get the greatest start in life."

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LGA responds to APPG inquiry into improving the effectiveness of devolution in England

"Councils have played a crucial role during the current crisis and have demonstrated the strength that comes from local leaders able to work with others and their communities."

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COVID tester holding out a vial with a sample

LGA responds to latest test and trace figures

Cllr Ian Hudspeth responds to the publication of the latest NHS Test and Trace and coronavirus testing figures

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A finance tracker notebook with pen

"Fragmented" short-term government grants poor value for money, councils warn

Councils in England have seen their core funding from central government reduce by £15 billion in the last decade. In recent years, they have seen a rise in the number of short-term, ringfenced, small grants they receive annually from government departments and agencies.

man in a dimly lit room looking stressed

LGA statement on IFS report on end to universal credit increase

“The economic impacts of the pandemic are likely to be long-lasting and far-reaching. Many households could be economically vulnerable for some time to come and many are now relying on the benefits system to help them make ends meet."

View allEconomic growth articles