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LGA responds to APPG inquiry into improving the effectiveness of devolution in England

"Councils have played a crucial role during the current crisis and have demonstrated the strength that comes from local leaders able to work with others and their communities."

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Responding to the Devolution All-Party Parliamentary Group’s new inquiry into improving the effectiveness of devolution in England, Chairman of the Local Government Association Cllr James Jamieson said:

“We’re really pleased that MPs and Peers are looking into this important issue. We have long called for greater devolution to local areas and, as our Spending Review submission sets out, bringing power and resources closer to people is vital so councils can improve lives, tackle inequalities and build inclusive growth across the country.

“Councils have played a crucial role during the current crisis and have demonstrated the strength that comes from local leaders able to work with others and their communities.

“Over the last decade, England has taken steps towards greater devolution. Much of the emphasis has been on councils coming together to create combined authorities in order to draw down powers and resources from largely unreformed central government structures.

“This inquiry provides a good opportunity to consider how the Government might further accelerate the pace of devolution and explore whether reform is needed at the national level to enable government to better engage with the challenges and opportunities facing towns and cities across the country.”