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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA responds to latest test and trace figures

“If we are to prevent this second wave from escalating further, we need the system to meet the recommended 80 per cent benchmark if it is to have any chance of success."

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Improving children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing

LGA responds to CQC report on use of restraint, prolonged seclusion and segregation

“The forthcoming Spending Review is an opportunity to increase investment in community care settings for people with a learning disability and/or autism, who may also have a mental health condition, and to move towards putting social care on a long-term sustainable footing."

View allAdult social care articles
Pound coin on black background

LGA responds to Treasury one-year Spending Review announcement

“It is hugely disappointing that councils will only get a one-year funding settlement for the third year in a row."

man sat in a chair looking stressed

LGA responds to improvements in housing support for vulnerable people

"This is an important first step to addressing councils’ concerns about the quality, costs and oversight of some supported housing accommodation. We also look forward to seeing the detail of the pilot work."


LGA responds to Carers UK report on support for unpaid carers

“Every part of the care and support sector is under intense pressure due to the current crisis and councils are doing all they can to support carers and those they care for through this."

View allAdult social care articles

LGA responds to NAO broadband roll-out report

"The Government should use the upcoming Spending Review as an opportunity to empower councils to place a local digital champion in every local area to help facilitate delivery and support providers to install gigabit-capable broadband as quickly as possible."

View allDigital connectivity articles

LGA responds to CQC State of Care report

“The unequal impact of COVID-19 on people using and working in social care needs to be addressed as part of future reforms, as well as building on the importance of closer working and local approaches."

View allAdult social care articles

LGA responds to latest Test and Trace figure

“Rising coronavirus cases across the country mean that we all now, more than ever, have a responsibility to get ourselves tested when needed and for sharing our contacts on request.

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Young children playing together in nursery

LGA - Restore £1.7 billion early intervention funding ahead of surge in children’s services demand

The LGA said councils are bracing themselves for a rise in referrals for support that would have normally been made when children were being seen regularly by social workers and health workers. Some children and families will need significant interventions, including child protection plans or even coming into the care system. But for many, they will just need some extra help to get through a difficult period. That could be low level mental health support, sessions with a youth worker, understanding how to support children showing difficult behaviours, or working through parental conflict. H

View allChildren and young people articles
Carer helping an old woman

LGA responds to new guidance for clinically extremely vulnerable

“To help deliver this again in the second wave, councils need the necessary funding, data, information and personnel on the ground to inform and support their communities, alongside effective testing and contact tracing."