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LGA responds to Carers UK report on support for unpaid carers

“Every part of the care and support sector is under intense pressure due to the current crisis and councils are doing all they can to support carers and those they care for through this."

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Responding to a Carers UK report, on unpaid carers providing additional care for loved ones with increasing needs while experiencing reduced support services, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“Our care system could not survive without the contribution of unpaid carers, who provide vital support for thousands of people every day. Councils fully recognise their crucial role and assess and support hundreds of thousands of carers every year, but could do even more with the right resources.

“Every part of the care and support sector is under intense pressure due to the current crisis and councils are doing all they can to support carers and those they care for through this.

“We know that caring can place a real strain on carers – emotionally, physically and financially. The pandemic has further highlighted the incredibly valuable role played by unpaid carers and the difficult circumstances they face.

“The Government must use its upcoming Spending Review to urgently provide councils with the extra funding they need to help support unpaid carers as well as people who use services ahead of winter and the second wave of COVID-19, while also using this as the basis for future reform of social care and support to place it on a long-term, sustainable footing.”

Notes to Editors

Councils in England face a funding gap of more than £5 billion by 2024 to maintain services at current levels - this figure could double amid the huge economic and societal uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The LGA’s detailed submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review  sets out how £10 billion is needed to not only plug this gap but meet growing demand pressures and improve services for communities