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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA responds to Government announcement for SEND funding

Responding to an announcement by the Department of Education about an extra £700 million for children with special educational needs, Cllr Anntoinette Bramble, Chair of the Children and Young People Board, said: "It is great that the Government has acted on the LGA’s call for a significant funding boost for services that support children with special educational needs next year. "Councils want to ensure every child gets the best education possible and that every parent can choose the sort of education setting they want for their child. "This funding will help councils meet unprecedented

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LGA responds to Crisis' Cover the Cost campaign to prevent homelessness

“Ending homelessness remains a top priority for councils." 


LGA responds to latest suicide statistics

Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, responds to the latest official suicides statistics, for 2018.

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LGA responds to latest HIV statistics

“It is important that tomorrow’s Spending Round provides much-needed investment in council services, including public health. Every pound invested by government in council-run services, such as public health, can relieve pressure on other essential services like the NHS and save much more money further down the line."

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LGA responds to Government statement on flooding

“To support protection work by councils to prepare for heavy rainfalls this winter, funding for flood defences needs to be devolved to local areas to ensure money is directed towards projects that best reflect local needs."

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LGA responds to Government Spending Round

“We are delighted that today’s Spending Round has delivered a funding package of more than £3.5 billion for our vital local services next year."


LGA responds to HCLG Committee Report on waste strategy

“We fully support the Committee’s calls to give councils the flexibility and extra funding to ensure they meet the recycling challenges under the Waste Strategy, and for local authorities not to be forced to provide free garden waste collections or a minimum frequency of residual waste collections."

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A high rise grey building against a blue sky

LGA responds to sprinkler and building safety consultation

Lord Porter, the LGA’s building safety spokesman, responds to the Government consultation on sprinklers and other fire safety measures in high-rise blocks.

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LGA responds to SEND review announcement by Government

“This cross-government review of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) support is good news and is what the LGA has previously called for."

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Boy looking out a rainy window

LGA responds to APPG on autism report

Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, responds to an All-Party Parliamentary Group on Autism report which calls for better support and services for people with autism in England.