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LGA responds to HCLG Committee Report on waste strategy

“We fully support the Committee’s calls to give councils the flexibility and extra funding to ensure they meet the recycling challenges under the Waste Strategy, and for local authorities not to be forced to provide free garden waste collections or a minimum frequency of residual waste collections."

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Responding to today’s report by the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee into the implications of the Government’s Resources & Waste Strategy for local authorities, Cllr David Renard, the Local Government Association’s Environment spokesman, said:

“We fully support the Committee’s calls to give councils the flexibility and extra funding to ensure they meet the recycling challenges under the Waste Strategy, and for local authorities not to be forced to provide free garden waste collections or a minimum frequency of residual waste collections.

“The LGA is clear that councils should be free to decide how to deliver their waste services locally, as various factors determine waste collection methods, such as property type and rurality.

“The Committee is also right to recommend that councils should not pick up any costs for the significant recycling infrastructure improvements needed to help expand their services. Manufacturers need to urgently prioritise using packaging that is fully and easily recyclable, and pay the full cost of recycling packaging.”