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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Ariel shot of a housing estate in a sunny setting

LGA statement on developer building safety arrangements

“We are pleased that the Government has listened to calls the LGA has been making for several years to protect leaseholders from the costs of two decades of industry failure."

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A city centre at night

LGA responds to announcement of additional funding to tackle serious violence

"Violence Reduction Units are a valuable resource that are helping to reduce serious violence and crime, so it is extremely positive to see they will be extended to new areas and benefit from multi-year funding settlements."

View allCommunity safety articles
Young boy sitting on lady's knee

LGA responds to Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan

"Councils play an integral role in tackling domestic abuse and supporting the provision of services for victims, and the commitment to multi-year funding will help ensure these services are fully embedded within communities. Clarity on when and who the funding will be available to will enable it to be distributed quickly."

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Young children playing together in nursery

LGA responds to SEND and Alternative Provision Green Paper

“Despite the best of intentions, the current system is not working, and we are pleased government has set out reforms to address this. They will only succeed if parents and carers have confidence in the system."

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Young children sharing a large desk and school working

LGA responds to Schools White Paper

“Councils have a crucial role to play in education, from ensuring every child has a school place to turning around struggling schools, and as they showed when providing vital support to schools during the pandemic."

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Elderly man using a mobile phone

LGA responds to government guidance on the Fair Cost of Care

"Adult social care is facing a funding gap for current services, increasing each year due to inflation and other costs even with these reforms fully funded. This is without considering the immediate need to address unmet and under met need on these overburdened systems."

View allAdult social care articles
Electric car being charged

LGA responds to Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy

“Councils are best-placed to ensure chargepoints are delivered in the right places and avoiding inappropriate or poor siting. All councils need to benefit and have full flexibility to maximise the impact of the funding."

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Carer taking an elderly woman in a wheelchair for a walk

Sector leaders call for action on social care workforce

National adult social care organisations have come together to call for a co-produced, national workforce strategy alongside action to improve terms and conditions.

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Colourful canteen meals

Free school meals: One million more school children could be fed if the sign-up process eased, councils urge

More than a million additional school children could receive free school meals and be entitled to extra support funding if the sign-up process for the scheme was simplified and extended to more families.

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A pound coin on a table

LGA statement on Spring Statement 2022

“As the impact of cost-of-living concerns grow, the mainstream benefits system will need to provide the first line of support for people so that councils and local partners can concentrate their limited resources on helping those who need tailored and additional help."