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LGA responds to announcement of additional funding to tackle serious violence

"Violence Reduction Units are a valuable resource that are helping to reduce serious violence and crime, so it is extremely positive to see they will be extended to new areas and benefit from multi-year funding settlements."

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Responding to the announcement of an additional £130 million to tackle serious violence and homicide, Vice Chair of the Local Government Association’s Safer Stronger Communities Board, Cllr Mohan Iyengar said:

“Violence Reduction Units are a valuable resource that are helping to reduce serious violence and crime, so it is extremely positive to see they will be extended to new areas and benefit from multi-year funding settlements which will allow for councils and partners to enhance the development of locally focused preventative strategies, something which the LGA has previously called for.  

“We’re also pleased to see the funding package will work in tandem with central and local efforts to tackle violence against women and girls. In addition to this work, it will be important that guidance set out to accompany the forthcoming serious violence duty aligns with efforts to tackle violence against women and girls, and domestic abuse.”