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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Councils respond to Local Government Finance Settlement

“Years of unprecedented central government funding cuts have left many councils beyond the point where council tax income can be expected to plug the growing funding gaps they face."


LGA responds to Hackitt Review interim report into building regulations and fire safety

“What happened at Grenfell Tower can never be allowed to happen again and no-one should have to live in fear about their safety, be that in the buildings they live in, work in or visit."


LGA and LEP network joint-working commitment

“LEPs are local partnerships and growth strategies will rely on the strength and quality of local leadership. They will continue to succeed with the close involvement of councils, as we work together to meet local ambitions.”

View allEconomic growth articles

LGA responds to latest delayed transfers of care figures

"It is great news that delayed transfers of care attributable to social care have continued to decrease, and testament to the huge ongoing efforts by councils to get people out of hospital and back into the community, close to their loved ones."

View allAdult social care articles
Solitary bus going down a country road

Bus passenger journeys continue to fall to lowest level in a decade, councils warn

"Buses provide a vital service for our communities and a lifeline for our most vulnerable residents to go shopping, pick up medication, attend doctor appointments or socialise with friends. Councils know how important buses are for their residents and local economies and are desperate to protect them."

View allTransport articles

LGA responds to latest Government homelessness statistics

"Behind this rise in the number of homeless households are thousands of individual tragedies. Councils, on the front line of tackling homelessness, understand this, and are determined to do all they can to prevent people from losing their home in the first place."


Councils respond to DFE’s Social Mobility Action Plan

"Councils want every child to have a good quality of life and be able to improve their circumstances regardless of their background or where they live. It is absolutely right that the DfE is embracing the social mobility agenda, but this goes much further than just education."

View allEducation and schools articles

LGA responds to Ofsted Annual Report

“Ninety-one per cent of maintained schools are now rated as either outstanding or good, which is a great achievement that must now be acknowledged by central government. Councils must now be recognised as improvement partners, and be allowed to help all schools improve where necessary, including academies and free schools."

View allEducation and schools articles

LGA responds to latest Government Right to Buy sales stats

“Councils have lost out on enough homes to house the population of Oxford in the last five years, and we urgently need a model of Right to Buy that actually allows councils to build more homes, in order to increase the opportunities for families."


LGA responds to Alzheimer's Society analysis of stranded people in hospital

"Councils are doing all they can to get people out of hospital safely and quickly and delays attributable to social care are down 7.2 cent from July to September."

View allAdult social care articles