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LGA responds to latest Government Right to Buy sales stats

Responding to the Government’s latest Right to Buy sales statistics, Cllr Martin Tett, the Local Government Association’s Housing spokesman, said:

“We know that Right to Buy can help those who often couldn’t get on the ladder without it to secure a home of their own – but if the Government doesn’t allow councils to replace homes sold off, the Right to Buy itself could grind to a halt.

“Councils have lost out on enough homes to house the population of Oxford in the last five years, and we urgently need a model of Right to Buy that actually allows councils to build more homes, in order to increase the opportunities for families.

“Current arrangements are restricting councils from being able to replace homes being sold under the scheme. It’s essential councils are able to keep 100 per cent of their Right to Buy receipts, and that all councils, across the country, are freed to be able to borrow to build new homes – the upcoming Local Government Finance Settlement would be an ideal opportunity to do this.”


1.The latest Right to Buy figures reveal that local authorities sold 2,558 dwellings under Right to Buy in July – September 2017. By contrast, just 744 homes were started in replacement. More details can be found in the Government release on the figures.