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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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A group of people surrounded by trees exercising running on the spot

LGA responds to NHS pay agreement

It is positive that the Government has acted on calls from the LGA to fund increases in pay for hard working NHS staff working in council commissioned community services.

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LGA launches Sector Support Programme 2023/24

The Local Government Association has launched its Sector Support Programme for 2023/24 to provide councils with the tools and support they need to deliver vital local services to communities, while helping to address challenges, drive forward change and improvement.

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Younger woman carer showing older woman something on an iPad with a cup of tea

Prevention should be priority for ICSs – LGA on Government response to Hewitt review

Without resources specifically earmarked for prevention, we will not see the radical step change in NHS investment that is required to turn the curve on a growing burden of ill-health and long-term conditions.

People sitting at a table in a meeting

LGA and Solace to launch new chief executive training and development package

The LGA is introducing an expanded suite of leadership development offers as part of its newly launched sector support programme, which will include a dedicated curriculum for chief executive development.

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LGA responds to Electoral Commission review into Voter ID

It is of concern to councils that this review has found that some groups may have been more impacted than others by the introduction of Voter ID, with a small number being left unable to vote

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Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete roof destroye

Councils ‘concerned’ by conditions of school buildings – LGA on NAO report

Councils are very concerned by the findings of this report. It is not right that a child’s ability to do well at school is potentially jeopardised by the conditions of the building in which they study.

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LGA responds to Age UK survey on digital exclusion

Ensuring local services are as accessible as possible to everyone in their communities is important to councils

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Colourful canteen meals

Concerning food inflation rise impacts on children’s health - LGA responds to SAPHNA report into children’s health and cost of living

The value of the Healthy Start voucher scheme for families should be increased to keep pace with the rising cost of food.

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Hands holding a mobile phone indoors

LGA: Digital Health Check ‘not a replacement’ to in-person appointments

Making more digital health checks available is a useful tool to detect certain illnesses but it should be treated as an addition to not a replacement of a physical health check

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Laptop is open and on a table, the screen is showing lots of different people on a virtual meeting, in the foreground there is a green plant

LGA: Overwhelming majority of councils want hybrid meeting powers

One in 10 councils surveyed had a councillor who had stepped down in their authority since May 2021 due to the requirement for them to attend council meetings in-person.

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