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Prevention should be priority for ICSs – LGA on Government response to Hewitt review

Without resources specifically earmarked for prevention, we will not see the radical step change in NHS investment that is required to turn the curve on a growing burden of ill-health and long-term conditions.

Commenting to the Government’s response to the Hewitt review, Cllr David Baines, Vice-Chair of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board said: 


“The LGA was closely involved in the development of the Hewitt Review and we support the Government’s continued commitment to an approach in which ICSs drive forward a collaborative approach to getting better health and care outcomes for their populations.


“The LGA is largely supportive of the recommendations of the Hewitt Review to Government, in particular those which proposed a significant reduction in the number of national targets for Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), and the clear focus on prevention as a priority for ICSs.


“We are therefore disappointed that the Government has rejected the Hewitt Review suggestion to grow the proportion of funding spent on prevention by 1 per cent per year.


“Historically, prevention has always been overshadowed by the immediate funding challenges for acute and hospital care.  Without resources specifically earmarked for prevention, we will not see the radical step change in NHS investment that is required to turn the curve on a growing burden of ill-health and long-term conditions.


“While the report recognises the value of sector-led improvement we are also somewhat disappointed that the Government has not given an explicit commitment to supporting the development of a peer-led approach for ICS leaders.


“We will continue to work with Government and NHS England and other key national agencies to ensure that the voice of local government, its interests and its vital contribution is reflected in the implementation of the recommendations on the future development of ICSs.”