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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Homeless man sitting on the street and covering his eyes

LGA responds to ONS figures on deaths of people homeless

"We need a cross-departmental government plan to tackle homelessness with long-term investment in prevention and services to support economically vulnerable people and households to prevent homelessness from happening in the first place."


LGA responds to adult social care reform white paper

Responding to the publication of the Government’s white paper on adult social care reform, Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said: “This much-anticipated white paper sets out a positive vision for the future of adult social care and it is right that it has been co-produced with and alongside people who draw on care and support. It is also encouraging to see the Care Act is the foundation upon which these reforms will be built, particularly the emphasis on housing, greater recognition of the workforce and skills, and prevention

View allAdult social care articles

LGA responds to Sport England’s new implementation plan for 2022-25

This is an exciting plan that will enable the right support and funding to be directed to places that need it most, in a collaborative and targeted way. This includes opening up funding opportunities for small community organisations which often play a vital role within their communities.


LGA and Women’s Aid: ‘Look out for signs of domestic abuse this Christmas period’

People need to look out for common signs of domestic abuse this Christmas with domestic abuse-related crimes representing a higher percentage of all crimes in December than the rest of the year, the Local Government Association and Women’s Aid warn today.

View allCommunity safety articles
Alcohol lined up in a bar

LGA responds to latest alcohol-specific deaths statistics

The latest ONS figures on alcohol-specific deaths in the UK show there was an 18.6 per cent increase in deaths from alcohol-specific causes in 2020 compared with the previous year and was the highest year-on-year increase since records began.

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A close up of a light grey coronavirus with red spikes against a dark grey background

LGA responds to new COVID-19 restrictions announcement

“Councils continue to do all they can to keep their communities safe, while encouraging everyone who is eligible to get vaccinated. These extra measures are a reminder that COVID-19 remains a serious public health threat, especially with the new Omicron variant and rising case numbers.

Smartphone with the screen showing the Zoom logo

LGA calls for urgent legislation for remote council meetings in light of Omicron variant

Cllr James Jamieson, Chairman of the Local Government Association, calls for urgent legislation to facilitate councils being able to host remote meetings in light of the Omicron variant.

High street in Suffolk with COVID-19 sign

LGA: Extend outbreak funding as part of Plan B to protect local contact tracing support

Councils across the country continue to lead the local fight against the pandemic. However, the Government’s Contain Outbreak Management Fund is set to end in March 2022, which poses a threat to councils' ability to ramp-up efforts in response to the Omicron variant.

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Avoid illegal dog sellers this Christmas, councils warn

"Buying pets from licensed sellers ensures the animals meet certain regulations and will have come from safe conditions. It also means that the seller can be traced if any issues arise after purchase."


LGA response to The House of Lords Committee on a National Plan for Sport and Recreation

Responding to a new report from The House of Lords Committee on a National Plan for Sport and Recreation, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Culture Tourism and Sport Board, Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson said: “The LGA is pleased to see that this report acknowledges the need for a radical shift in thinking and delivery at national level to better reflect the contribution sport and recreation makes to wider policy objectives. In addition to their vital role in supporting the health of the nation, increasing activity levels and tackling inequalities. “We fully support the report’s