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LGA responds to Sport England’s new implementation plan for 2022-25

This is an exciting plan that will enable the right support and funding to be directed to places that need it most, in a collaborative and targeted way. This includes opening up funding opportunities for small community organisations which often play a vital role within their communities.

Responding to Sport England’s new implementation plan which focuses on years 2-4 of their Uniting the Movement strategy, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Culture, Tourism and Sport Board, Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson, said: “This is an exciting plan that will enable the right support and funding to be directed to places that need it most, in a collaborative and targeted way. This includes opening up funding opportunities for small community organisations which often play a vital role within their communities.

“We’re also pleased to see the inclusion of a strong commitment to work with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities and a focus on net zero targets which the LGA has called for previously. This will help support work to create a joined-up, strategic plan to encourage people into health and fitness activities as well as taking action on decarbonising the ageing leisure estate, which for some councils account for up to 40 per cent of their carbon emissions. Reaching net zero will require designated funding and we look forward to hearing more details from Sport England on how it will fund and deliver on this ambition.  

“Councils as the leaders of their places and advocates for their communities have an important role to play in delivering the implementation plan and we look forward to working with Sport England.

“Once in action, this plan will make a significant difference to many communities and will support ambitions to level up the health of the country.”