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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Two women walking down a rainy street at night

LGA responds to Government plans to end Friday releases to cut crime and make streets safer

"In bringing release dates forward, this will ensure prison-leavers have enough time to access the right help and support to prevent them heading back towards previous criminal activities.”

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mother holding her son and looking through the window sadly

LGA statement on Queen's Speech: Modern Slavery Bill

“Councils have been at the forefront of the work to tackle the issue of modern slavery, from prevention through to the provision of support to victims."

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A woman paying for something on her phone with her credit card

Don’t be fooled by new scams, councils say

“Anyone can fall victim to a scam, and we urge people of all ages to brush up on the tell-tale signs, and the support available to those who need it."

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A city centre at night

LGA responds to announcement of additional funding to tackle serious violence

"Violence Reduction Units are a valuable resource that are helping to reduce serious violence and crime, so it is extremely positive to see they will be extended to new areas and benefit from multi-year funding settlements."

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Young boy sitting on lady's knee

LGA responds to Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan

"Councils play an integral role in tackling domestic abuse and supporting the provision of services for victims, and the commitment to multi-year funding will help ensure these services are fully embedded within communities. Clarity on when and who the funding will be available to will enable it to be distributed quickly."

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Young boy sitting on lady's knee

LGA responds to Government announcement of additional funding to support continued delivery of domestic abuse support services

"The LGA is pleased to see the Government has recognised our calls for additional funding to help councils with the provision of accommodation-based domestic abuse support and services."

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Empty street with houses either side, blue sky with some clouds.

Serious violence and crime – LGA responds to Levelling Up White Paper

Our response to the announcement of measures to reduce serious violence and neighbourhood crime by 2030 in the Government’s Levelling Up White Paper.

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Children In playground

LGA responds to new NSPCC analysis showing an increase in child protection referrals for domestic abuse

"Domestic abuse is complex and in order to enhance efforts to combat this issue, through both prevention schemes and support services, councils need to be fully funded across all services."

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two cctv cameras in front of a blue sky

LGA responds to Protect Duty consultation findings

“Introducing a new Protect Duty will require significant resource and capacity to ensure that those within its scope are aware of their responsibilities and comply."

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LGA and Women’s Aid: ‘Look out for signs of domestic abuse this Christmas period’

People need to look out for common signs of domestic abuse this Christmas with domestic abuse-related crimes representing a higher percentage of all crimes in December than the rest of the year, the Local Government Association and Women’s Aid warn today.

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