Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

Member roles and induction

Roles and description

There are a number of different roles which Members can be appointed to within the LGA's Member Structures. More information on these roles and what they entail can be found below.

If you are interested in finding out how these appointments are made, please go to the political groups appointment process page.

Annual Member Briefing Day

There will be a Member Briefing Day at 18 Smith Square on Thursday 7 September 2023. The agenda will be circulated later in the summer and will be published here when available.

Member Forms - to be completed and returned

All members recently appointed to the LGA's governance structure are asked to please complete and return the contact form.

Only those members eligible for a Special Responsibility Allowance and not already on the LGA payroll are required to return the payroll form.

Register of Members Interest (RoMI)

As a voluntary membership body the LGA is not subject to the statutory framework governing member authorities. However, the LGA is committed to openness and transparency, and endeavours wherever possible to operate within the spirit of the law governing local authorities.  For this reason, you are required to complete a Register of Interests form and to update it annually, or when your circumstances change.  Register of Interest forms are published online on members' profile pages.

Should you wish to update any details on your register, or submit a register for the first time, please complete the below form and send it to [email protected].

Register of Members' Interests form 2023/24 (Word doc)

Company Directors' Register of Members' Interests form 2023/24 (Word doc)

Guidance on how to fill out the form can be downloaded below: