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Role descriptions: LGA Policy Board Members

The Local Government Association (LGA) is a politically led cross-party organisation, representing local authorities across England and Wales. Its membership includes English councils, fire and rescue authorities, the 22 Welsh councils in corporate membership through the Welsh LGA, National Parks Authorities and Parish/Town Councils via corporate membership with NALC.

2023/24 Meeting Year

The LGA has four Group Offices – Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Independent with the latter providing support to independent members and smaller political groups. The LGA seeks wherever possible to work on the basis of consensus across all four groups.

The LGA Boards are central to achieving the LGA’s strategic objectives. They are responsible for:

  • developing a thorough understanding of council priorities in their programme area;
  • helping to shape the LGA business plan; and
  • overseeing a programme of work to deliver, through engagement with councils, the strategic priorities set by the LGA Board.

Each Board has full responsibility for its designated policy area(s). Boards may hold up to 5 formal meetings a year. However, more importantly, Boards are encouraged to find their own most effective way of working that ensures active engagement with councils and groups of councils, and not be restricted by a set timetable of formal meetings in London.

Each Board has a Chair, who also sits on the Executive Advisory Board, and three vice/deputy Chairs drawn from the other three groups. There are currently nine Boards:-

  • Children & Young People
  • City Regions
  • Culture, Tourism & Sport
  • Economy and Resources
  • Improvement & Innovation
  • Local Infrastructure and Net Zero
  • People & Places
  • Safer & Stronger Communities
  • Community Wellbeing.

NB - Improvement and Innovation Board members are precluded from undertaking the role of a National or Regional Member Peer role.

Chair of the Board / Portfolio Holder


  • To lead the members of the Board to set the priorities and forward plan in line with the LGA Business Plan, and to oversee its delivery.
  • To secure the views and active involvement of the wider membership to inform the Board’s priorities and policy lines.
  • To direct the work of the Board in line with the priorities of the LGA taking into account the best use of resources.
  • In relation to the policy area(s) covered by the Board, to be the principal representative of the LGA, and of local government as a whole, at meetings with ministers, parliamentarians, partner bodies and other key decision-makers.
  • To be the principal political spokesperson for the LGA, and for local government as a whole, in relation to those policy areas, including media interviews, writing articles and making speeches at appropriate events.
  • To communicate to the wider LGA membership the work and successes of the Board.
  • To Chair Board meetings, one-day conferences and other events initiated by the Board.
  • To manage relationships with vice/deputy Chairs, and Board members to secure consensus on the priorities and programme.
  • To actively manage the roles and responsibilities across the Board to make best use of the talent and experience of Board members.
  • To sit on the Executive Advisory Board and report on the work of the Board.
  • To attend Councillors’ Forum and present the Chair’s activities report on behalf of the Board.
  • To work as appropriate with other LGA Boards, contributing to the wider development of LGA priorities.
  • To make appointments to outside bodies relevant to the service area.

Knowledge and experience

The Chair may hold the relevant Portfolio in his/her home authority, or have significant experience/knowledge of, and commitment to, the policy area(s) covered by the Board.

Travel and expenses

This role will require attendances at meetings in London and in other parts of the country. Reasonable travel and subsistence costs incurred by the Chairs of Boards in the discharge of their duties will be paid by the LGA.


Board Chair £18,537

Expected time commitment: 10.5 – 14 hours per week

The Chair is required to complete a Register of Interest form and to update it annually, or when an individual’s circumstances change.

Vice/Deputy Board Chairs


  • To work with the Chair and other Board members to develop the programme plan for the Board taking into account the availability and need to make best use of resources.
  • Where appropriate, to deputise for the Chair of the Board in his/her role as principal representative of the LGA on the policy area(s) covered by the Board, including undertaking speaking engagements and media work.
  • To lead/participate in task and finish groups set up to look in more detail at specific areas of policy.
  • To attend residential conferences and other events initiated by the Board, leading and Chairing sessions as required.
  • To Chair meetings in the absence of the Chair.
  • To fulfil all other responsibilities of a Board member, set out below.
  • To make appointments to outside bodies of relevance to the service area.

Knowledge and experience

Vice-Chairs/Deputy Chairs may be Portfolio Holders for that policy area in their home authorities or have significant experience/knowledge of, and commitment to, the policy area(s) covered by the Board.

Travel and expenses

This role will require attendances at meetings in London and in other parts of the country. Travel and subsistence costs incurred in attending Board meetings should be met by the member’s home authority.


Board vice/deputy Chair’s allowance: £9,268

Expected time commitment: 3.5 – 7 hours per week

Vice/Deputy Chairs are required to complete a Register of Interest form and to update it annually, or when an individual’s circumstances change.

Board Member


  • To actively engage with councils and groupings of councils to secure the views and involvement of the wider membership to inform the Board priorities and policy lines and act as an advocate for the LGA and its work.
  • To work with the Chair and Vice/Deputy Chairs to develop the programme plan for the Board taking into account the availability of and need to make best use of resources.
  • To attend and actively participate in Board meetings.
  • To attend conferences and other events initiated by the Board.
  • To read and understand all Board papers in advance of the meeting, and to keep abreast of all developments locally and nationally in relation to the policy areas covered by the Board.
  • Where required, to take responsibility for a specified policy issue or area of work and act as spokesperson.
  • To take on appointments to outside bodies relevant to the policy area covered by the Board.

Knowledge and experience

Board members may be Portfolio Holders for that policy area in their home authorities or have experience/knowledge of, and commitment to, the policy area(s) covered by the Board.

Travel and expenses

This role will require attendances at meetings in London and in other parts of the country. Travel and subsistence costs incurred in attending Boards meetings should be met by the member’s home authority.


Board members’ allowance: £3,090

Expected time commitment: up to 3.5 hours per week

Members are required to complete a Register of Interest form and to update it annually, or when an individual’s circumstances change.