Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

Understanding Local Housing Markets

This report was commissioned by the Local Government Association to provide local authorities with advice and guidance on how to best understand the various complexities within their local housing markets in order to inform their decision making.

Local authorities have a range of duties and wider interests in ensuring the most effective functioning of their local housing markets. They want to ensure affordable, appropriate, good quality housing for everyone in the community within successful and sustainable places. Therefore, a better understanding of their local housing markets will empower local authorities to make decisions best suited to maximise positive added value in local markets.

This is especially timely as more local authorities are: developing interests in directly delivering new homes alone or in partnership, embedding housing as part of wider strategies for the health and well-being of individuals and places; building relationships with the reshaped Homes England or the Greater London Authority (GLA), and; taking forward new planning responsibilities within the new NPPF guided by the locally assessed housing need numbers.