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UN SDG: Background

UN Sustainable Development Goals banner

Though the public health crisis is not over, we also face a period of economic uncertainty. COVID-19 has exposed the existing socio-economic inequalities in our society with shocking statistics emerging on the disproportionate loss of life for certain demographic groups, income levels or occupations. We now face the very real possibility that more people across the country will experience deep levels of financial insecurity or poverty, leading to further demand on limited public resources. At the same time, we must acknowledge the reality of a warming climate and other pressing environmental challenges, and the risk these pose to our future.

While this guide was created before the COVID-19 pandemic, we have updated some of it to reflect the current context. The challenges we now face further reinforce the need for coherent decision-making within all levels of government to ensure that efforts today lead to better outcomes tomorrow. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals can be used to future-proof and consolidate the plans developed in response to COVID-19, leading to greater economic and social resilience and a healthier and sustainable environment. 

"The challenges we now face further reinforce the need for coherent decision-making within all levels of government to ensure that efforts today lead to better outcomes tomorrow."