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Return to Work programmes

Access for councils to the programmes will close on 30 April 2021.


These sector focused programmes were designed to help councils with recruitment to increase diversity across their workforce and to support professionals to return to work after a career break.

The four programmes – across Social Work, ICT, Planning and Legal – offered free training, networking and support to individuals preparing to return to work with local government.

The LGA and Government Equalities Office collaborated in 2020/21 to develop the Return to Work programmes for people who had taken a career break and had prior knowledge, experience, and skills in Social Work, ICT, Planning and Legal sectors.

The programmes were free to councils and helped more than 300 candidates develop skills to help them prepare to return to work.

Councils aiming to recruit roles in these sectors were able to share vacancies directly with candidates signed up to the programme.

Candidates enrolled on the ICT and Planning programmes benefitted from free training from the Society for Innovation, Technology and Modernisation (Socitm) and Planning Advisory Service (PAS) respectively. The Return to Social Work programme offered support to social workers requiring re-registration with Social Work England as well as signposting to secure placements with councils.

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Return to Social Work