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Devolution deal to delivery

Devolution deal to delivery

A guide to help councils navigate devolution deals, with a particular focus on understanding the lessons from developing a deal to delivering it.

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Licensing Act 2003 - Councillor’s handbook (England and Wales)

Licensing Act 2003 - Councillor’s handbook (England and Wales)

Licensing makes a fundamental contribution to how our communities develop, live, work and relax. With the right tools, councils can use licensing to significantly improve the chances of businesses and residents moving to an area, whether in the heart of London or in a more rural district.

Gambling regulation: Councillor handbook (England and Wales) updated guidance 2018 COVER

Gambling regulation: Councillor handbook (England and Wales)

The LGA has updated its councillor handbook on gambling to coincide with local authorities revising their statements of licensing principles ahead of publication in January 2019.

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Cover - digital skills

Councils' role supporting the digital skills pipeline

This online resource outlines the key roles councils play in supporting local skills progression and highlights a number of successful interventions undertaken to date.

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Tackling child exploitation resources pack front cover

Tackling child exploitation: resources pack

As local leaders and community representatives, councillors have responsibilities to help protect children in their area. Being aware of the signs of child exploitation, understanding what to do if you have concerns and knowing what questions to be asking of local services is key. This resources pack explores this, and showcases innovative work going on around the country to prevent child exploitation.

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Solace LGA Emergency Coaching Cover

Solace/LGA Emergency Coaching and Mentoring Support Programme Evaluation - June 2021

In April 2020, Solace and the LGA launched an Emergency Coaching and Mentoring Support Programme for those leading the response to the COVID-19 pandemic across local government in England. The programme was specifically aimed at chief executives, directors and professional leads working directly on managing the response to COVID-19.

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Mapping Support and Liability for Economically Vulnerable Households thumbnail

Mapping Support and Liability for Economically Vulnerable Households

This report sets out the key mechanisms in place at both national and local levels to support economically vulnerable households through the COVID-19 crisis, and present modelling results of the potential impact of the removal of these support mechanisms.

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Local service delivery and place-shaping: A framework to support parish and town councils front cover

Local service delivery and place-shaping: A framework to support parish and town councils

​​​​​​​This document presents a framework for principal councils looking to support parish and town (local) councils to play an increased role in local service delivery and place-shaping. While it is aimed at principal councils, the research has also been steered by interviews and discussion with representatives of the local council sector.

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Adult safeguarding and homelessness: experience informed practice thumbnail

Adult safeguarding and homelessness: experience informed practice

Examples of positive learning and practice from the different sectors involved, especially housing, health and social care, both statutory and third sector.

improving digital citizenship

Improving digital citizenship: A practical guide for councillors

Social media has become an important public space, where councillors share political information and engage with other councillors, support officers and residents. But it also opens the door for abuse, harassment and intimidation, along with the spread of misinformation. This guide provides practical advice and resources for councillors as they continue to navigate this space.

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Make It Local

To deliver priorities for the public the Government needs to #MakeItLocal

Make It Local

In 2024 we will have a General Election. This is a moment of opportunity.


Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

5 hours ago