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Growing in the community (second edition)

This second edition has been published in response to the widespread renaissance in allotment gardening that has taken place since the first edition was published. The guide is designed to assist those responsible for managing allotments, either within local authorities or under schemes for devolved management, to work efficiently and effectively by emulating examples of good practice.

The guide will also help other stakeholders in allotments, including local authority officers in other departments, support organisations, allotment associations and individual plot holders, to understand the opportunities which allotments present for achieving multiple and inter-related benefits, and the advantages of working together to attain common goals.

Please note that although the authors and the publishers made every effort to ensure that the information in this publication was correct at the time of press, it is now several years old and the Local Government Association (LGA) can no longer guarantee its contents are correct and/or up-to-date.