Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

Bright Futures – getting the best for children, young people and families

This paper sets out seven clear priorities for coordinated action across the public, community and voluntary sectors, which we believe will help drive the improvement necessary to consistently offer the brightest future for children and families.

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Making sure all children and young people can have the bright future they deserve is a key ambition of every council. But our children’s services are under increasing pressure -  facing a £2 billion funding gap by 2020.

This paper sets out seven clear priorities for coordinated action across the public, community and voluntary sectors, which we believe will help drive the improvement necessary to consistently offer the brightest future for children and families.

If we want to make sure every child and young person can look forward to a bright future, local and national government must be united in their determination to get the best.

Learn more about our Bright Futures campaign