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Spending Round 2019: on the day briefing

The 2019 Spending Round has provided councils with much of the funding certainty and stability they need for next year.

Key messages  

  • The 2019 Spending Round has provided councils with much of the funding certainty and stability they need for next year. The Chancellor has announced a funding package of more than £3.5 billion for vital council services. This is the biggest year on year real terms increase in spending power for local government in a decade. This funding will allow councils to meet the increase in cost and demand pressures they face in 2020/21, which we assess as amounting to £2.6 billion.  
  • We are pleased the Government has responded to our calls and provided desperately-needed new money, including £1 billion for social care and £700 million for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The Chancellor confirmed that key grants to local government will also continue next year.  
  • With this investment councils will be better able to ensure older and disabled people can live the lives they want to lead. Councils will also be better able to support our most vulnerable young people, and to continue to improve their local areas.  

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