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Online training events for councillors looking for support with issues of abuse and intimidation

The LGA is offering a series of fully funded workshops for councillors on issues relating to handling abuse and intimidation by the public.

We have commissioned an expert contractor to provide support to councillors on abuse and intimidation experienced by councillors from the public. 

A series of free, national online events for councillors will be held during 2024/5, covering personal safety and dealing with online abuse and intimidation. The sessions will provide up-to-date advice on:

  • keeping yourself safe while undertaking your role as a councillor
  • how to manage your online presence
  • sources of help and support
  • the opportunity to ask questions of our expert presenter.

Personal safety for councillors

Wednesday 10 July 2024, 2pm-3.40pm

Handling online abuse

Tuesday 23 July 2024, 2pm-3.30pm

Support for individual councils

The LGA has received funding from DHLUC to provide individually-tailored workshops for councils on issues around personal safety, online safety or intimidation and harassment, led by our expert facilitator. 

Workshops can focus on one of the following themes:

  • personal safety
  • handling online abuse and threats
  • managing aggression
  • managing conflict in meetings with members of the public

A scoping meeting with the facilitator and LGA officers would be held before the workshop to ensure that content is tailored to local issues and needs.

Workshops would normally take place virtually, but we are able to consider holding them in-person if this would help facilitate higher attendance.

As funding is limited, the LGA is keen to ensure that as many councillors as possible are able to benefit from these workshops. We would therefore normally aim to run these sessions for around 15-30 councillors and are very keen to encourage councils to consider linking up with neighbouring authorities for joint sessions in order to maximise attendance.

Please contact [email protected] to register your interest in holding one of these workshops.