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COVID-19: vaccinations

The latest information and guidance relating to the COVID-19 vaccinations.

We are working as fast as we can to update this page with useful information for you. Please follow @LGAwellbeing for the latest updates and keep checking back.

Current information

Vaccinations for frontline adult social care workers

Guidance for individuals

COVID-19 communications toolkit

The Government's COVID-19 communications toolkit includes a suite of creative content assets for councils to use and amplify through their channels:

The toolkit includes:

  • Vaccine safety, risks and ingredients - A suite of videos from Prof Jonathan Van-Tam, Deputy Chief Medical Officer
  • Would I be prepared to take the vaccine? Be ready to be called. Vaccine prioritisation - Videos from Dr June Raine CBE, MHRA on public safety, Prof Jonathan Van-Tam
  • The regulators critical role. The importance of speed and impact - Videos from Prof Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England, and Prof Andrew Pollard, Director, Oxford Vaccine Group
  • Vaccine safety and testing - Videos from MHRA, Dr Christian Schneider and Interim Chief Scientific Officer at MHRA
  • How the vaccine works, everything you need to know about the Oxford vaccine, clinical trials and the pace of development - Videos from Professor Andrew Pollard, Director of the Oxford Vaccine Group and Maheshi Ramasamy, Consultant in Infectious Diseases and Acute Medicine, and Professor Sarah Gilbert, University of Oxford
  • Copy - to support sharing the videos on social posts or websites
  • Vaccine facts cards for social with social copy - covering key information on the vaccines.

The toolkit will be updated over the coming weeks.

Other resources

Public Health England’s campaign resource centre hosts vaccine-related resources.