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Thriving places: Guidance on the development of place-based partnerships as part of statutory integrated care systems

This co-produced NHS England and NHS Improvement and Local Government Association document seeks to support all partner organisations in integrated care systems to collectively define their place-based partnership working, and to consider how they will evolve to support the transition to the new statutory ICS arrangements, anticipated from April 2022.

About this guidance

Integrated care systems (ICSs) are partnerships of health and care organisations that come together to plan and deliver joined-up services and to improve the health of people who live and work in their area. 

Following several years of locally-led development, and based on the recommendations of NHS England and NHS Improvement, the government has set out plans to put ICSs on a statutory footing.

To support this transition, NHS England and NHS Improvement and the Local Government Association are publishing guidance, drawing on learning from all over the country. 

The guidance document aims to enable local health and care leaders to build strong and effective ICSs in every part of England.

Key points

  • Place-based partnerships are collaborative arrangements formed by the organisations responsible for arranging and delivering health and care services in a locality or community.
  • Place-based partnerships will remain as the foundations of integrated care systems as they are put on a statutory footing (subject to legislation), building on existing local arrangements and relationships.
  • It will be for system partners to determine the footprint for each place-based partnership, the leadership arrangements and what functions it will carry out.
  • This document describes the activities placed partnerships may lead, capabilities required and potential governance arrangements.

Download the guidance on NHS England and NHS Improvement's website.