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Supporting innovation and transformation

Our innovation and transformation offer outlines the programmes and improvement support we are offering to councils in 2018/19.

Our Innovation and Transformation Programme works with councils to support the delivery of modern and efficient social care that helps meet the needs of people. Our support offer helps councils in the design of care and support, assists in the innovative use of digital technology and supports effective information sharing across social care and health.

This support offer has four key areas:

  • Social Care Digital Innovation programme
  • Design in Social Care
  • Social Care Data and Cyber Security discovery programme
  • Bespoke support.
The Care and Health Improvement Programme (CHIP) provides support for social care, integration and health as well as supporting the transforming care programme for people with learning disabilities and/ or autism. The sector-led improvement programme for care and health, is coproduced and delivered with the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) in England.