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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Multi-Agency Safeguarding Tracker

The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Tracker creates a data driven digital approach enabling information from multiple safeguarding bodies to be easily and securely shared, matched and anonymised. By limiting access to the necessary information to only authorised parties, this approach sits squarely within the GDPR regulations and wider requirements as demanded by the Data Protection Act 2018.

View allAdult social care articles

South Kesteven District Council - Transfer of leisure service to council

The council had previously assessed the leisure management options on the expiry of its leisure contract, and had decided to extend the contract in place for a period of 15 months in order to procure a new contract arrangement. As a result of COVID-19 this position proved unviable, as the council were providing significant financial support to their contractor, and a procurement during the pandemic was not likely to produce a beneficial result. The council therefore reassessed the options available, and as a result Cabinet agreed to transfer the leisure service to a wholly-owned council company called LeisureSK Ltd.

Cross-sector approach to tackling homelessness in Essex

A dynamic and ambitious countywide approach to reduce homelessness and increase the supply and quality of housing for vulnerable people in Essex.

A strategic assessment of the accommodation with support needs for people with a learning disability, autism and mental health conditions 2020-2030

It is critical that people have the right accommodation to meet their needs to ensure sustainable housing solutions.

London Borough of Hackney: Inclusive leadership

How a council sought to make a positive culture change through addressing the issue of inclusive leadership.

Bristol’s Race Equality Strategic Leaders Group

This case study is an example of a city wide forum which brings together public sector organisations to tackle race inequality in the city.

Cumbria County Council: Reaching and supporting the most vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic

The pandemic brought an urgent need to provide support and assistance to families and individuals struggling with a wide range of issues across Cumbria County Council’s 2,613 square miles. To date, more than 27,000 residents have been supported by the council’s COVID-19 emergency helpline.

View allAdult social care articles

Bury council: Making sure vulnerable groups are not left behind

Bury has set up an uptake and inequalities task group, composed of council, NHS, HealthWatch and voluntary sector representatives to make sure vulnerable groups do not get left behind in the vaccine rollout out.

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Rough Sleeping and the Winter that Was

Birmingham City Council’s preventative and collaborative approach meant that when the government launched the ‘Everyone In’ initiative in March last year we were in a better place than most to respond to the pandemic.

View allHomelessness articles

Stockton Waterfront Development

Stockton town centre is modern, successful and vibrant with impressive public spaces on a High Street with a rich heritage. Its riverside should be a focal point with accessible, flexible space for the Borough’s world-class events programme all year round. Building on the asset of the River Tees, Stockton Waterfront will provide a high quality setting for a modern town centre with a distinct sense of place that also safeguards sustainable traditional retail.

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