
The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Solitary bus going down a country road

Bus passenger journeys continue to fall to lowest level in a decade, councils warn

"Buses provide a vital service for our communities and a lifeline for our most vulnerable residents to go shopping, pick up medication, attend doctor appointments or socialise with friends. Councils know how important buses are for their residents and local economies and are desperate to protect them."

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LGA responds to BMJ report on traffic pollution's effect on unborn children

"Expectant mothers, and our children, of whatever age, need to be able to live in safe communities and that includes making sure the air they breathe is as free from pollution as possible."

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Budget 2017: LGA responds to greener transport measures

“We look forward to seeing more details on these proposals, but it’s essential that any new responsibilities on transport that councils take on are fully funded, and that they are given whatever resources they need to put the appropriate infrastructure in place.”

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LGA responds to AA survey on parking payment methods

Councils offer a variety of ways to pay for parking, and paying by phone can be a quick and convenient way to do so.

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LGA responds to DfT funding announcement

“This funding, and recent government announcements pledging more money for local roads is positive, but has to be viewed in the context that councils face a £12 billion roads repair backlog bill."

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Bus passenger journeys fall to lowest level in a decade, councils warn

The number of people using buses in England each year has fallen to its lowest level in a decade.

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Pavement parking: councils call for ban in London to be rolled out across the country

Laws allowing local authorities to ban pavement parking in London should be rolled out across the country to crack down on inconsiderate motorists endangering lives, councils say.

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