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EU money which could help nation recover from COVID-19 risks going back to Brussels - LGA

More than £730 million in vital EU cash which could help local communities bounce back from COVID-19 risks going unspent and being sent back to Brussels if the funding is not allocated by the Government before the end of the year, councils warn today.

A pound coin on a table

LGA responds to Public Accounts Committee report on council investments

“Councils continue to face significant extra cost pressures and huge income losses as a result of the pandemic. The Government’s commitment to fund a portion of lost income from fees and charges is a step in the right direction but does not cover full losses, nor does it extend to commercial income losses."

Rows of colourful dumbbells stacked together in a leisure centre

Coronavirus: gyms and leisure centres to reopen - LGA statement

“It is great news that gyms and leisure centres can reopen, and many people will be hugely excited about being able to safely visit them again."


LGA responds to AA analysis of parking income

'Councils continue to work all day and night to support communities through the COVID-19 crisis but have faced extra cost pressures and significant income losses as a result, as this survey highlights.'

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LGA responds to latest Test and Trace figures

"Everybody has to play their part in helping to get this pandemic under control. It is good that the NHS Test and Trace system is reaching the majority of those who tested positive and who are passing on details of their close contacts, but it is still concerning that nearly 20 per cent of positive cases cannot be found."

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Summer Economic Update: LGA response

Cllr James Jamieson, Chairman of the Local Government Association, responds to the Summer Economic Update announced by the Chancellor.


LGA responds to latest smoking habits figures

“Council public health teams work hard to help reduce smoking rates in their areas, alongside local charities and community groups, and it is testament to their efforts that smoking rates continue to fall."

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Close up of the hands of an elderly man with a cane

LGA responds to latest ONS figures on coronavirus deaths

"Staff working in care homes and those providing care in people’s own homes have done an incredible job, in extremely challenging circumstances, to protect those they care for throughout this crisis."

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Teenager looking out to sea

LGA responds to Children's Commissioner report on lost generation of teenagers

"Councils share the Commissioner’s concerns about the impact of the coronavirus crisis on vulnerable teenagers."

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photo of a boy in a museum

LGA responds to Government's arts funding announcement

“It is great that the Government has recognised the importance of culture to the social fabric of our nation by announcing this funding which will be a lifeline to many theatres, galleries and museums which have been severely impacted by coronavirus."