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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA responds to Autumn Budget 2017

“The LGA has long called for councils to be given greater freedom to borrow to build new homes and today’s Budget has taken a step towards that by lifting the housing borrowing cap for some councils."


LGA responds to NAO report on business rates

Cllr Claire Kober, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Resources Board, responded to the National Audit Office report on 100 per cent retention of business rates

Calculator and a pen resting on some documents

Budget 2017: Councils respond to business rates announcement

Cllr Claire Kober, Chair of the Local Government Association's Resources Board, responded to the announcement in the Spring Budget that councils will receive £300 million to provide discretionary business rates relief

LGA Analysis: Council tax rises will not fix local government funding crisis

Council tax rises in 2017/18 will not bring in enough money to prevent the need for further deep cuts to local services next year, the Local Government Association warns today.

LGA media release - LGA responds to the Summer Budget 2015

LGA media release 8 July 2015   Responding to the Chancellor's Summer Budget today, Cllr Gary Porter, Chairman of the Local Government Association, said:   "It is right that the Chancellor has not used his Summer Budget to further reduce in-year local government funding. Councils already have to find £2.5 billion in savings this financial year and these are proving the most difficult savings to find yet. "Councils will now be looking to the Spending Review in the autumn which will decide the future of our public services over the next decade. "It is likely to see councils continue to