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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Young person looking out of a window from a darkened room

Housing crisis: Over 4,500 classrooms worth of children stuck in temporary accommodation over summer holidays

As pupils have broken up from school, 119,830 children in England will be living in temporary accommodation during the end-of-year break, according to latest government figures.

Person in a darkened room looking outside a window

LGA responds to Kerslake Commission on Homelessness and Rough Sleeping interim report

“We want to work closely with government on a cross-departmental homelessness prevention strategy, which sees councils supported with long-term funding to prevent homelessness from happening in the first place, with the changes to welfare benefits introduced following the coronavirus outbreak maintained for as long as they are needed.”

Ariel shot of housing estate

Eight in 10 say it is important to have a say on all housing in their local area

A survey by the LGA, which represents councils, found 82 per cent of respondents felt it was important to be able to comment on individual plans for all housing developments in their local area.

A construction worker on a building site

LGA responds to HCLG Committee report on permitted development

"The Committee shares our concerns over the quality of homes built under permitted development rights and the adverse impact this could have on our high streets, which councils want to see prosper and thrive, with a vibrant range of uses, including retail, culture, sport and leisure. This is why we would like to see the permitted development right removed."

Housing estate - building work under construction

LGA responds to Building Beautiful Places announcement

Cllr David Renard, Housing Spokesperson for the Local Government Association, responds to the written ministerial statement on Building Beautiful Places.

View allHousing and planning articles
woman looking out of a window in a darkened room

LGA - 430% increase in B&B spend for people who are homeless reveals urgency for more social housing

Councils in England spent £142 million placing homeless households in bed and breakfasts in 2019/20, compared with £26.7 million in 2010/11 - a 430 per cent increase.

Ariel shot of housing estate

LGA responds to launch of new planning apps

“Councils want to work with government to deliver a locally-led planning system which enables communities to shape and define the area they live in."

Homeless Reduction Act research LGA

LGA responds to ONS rough sleeping figures

“It is positive that rough sleeping has fallen. This is testament to the efforts of councils, working with government and partners, in getting people sleeping rough off the streets during the pandemic, and into safe and suitable accommodation."

Housing estate - building work under construction

New funding aims to create 19,000 jobs and 17,000 homes

New One Public Estate and MHCLG funding aims to create 19,000 jobs and 17,000 new homes.

View allOne Public Estate articles
Man with a packed bag walking

LGA responds to rough sleeping funding announcement

“It is good the Government continues to support councils with this latest round of funding to tackle rough sleeping."