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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Making the most of your museums: a handbook for councillors feature

LGA responds to local authority Investment in museums report

“Councils need a fair and sustainable funding settlement in the upcoming Spending Review to ensure they can continue to fund these essential community services and deliver against the Government’s plans for Levelling Up.”

First magazine December 2021

New issue of first magazine is online

Did you know that first magazine is available in an online format? Take a look around and let us know what you think of its new design. The pdf is still available to download and you can now also subscribe to an email alert so that you never miss new content.

A group of people participating in a leisure rope activity

LGA: £875m investment needed in public sports and leisure facilities to tackle health inequalities

Long term investment in public sport and leisure facilities is key to supporting efforts to tackle health inequalities exposed by the pandemic, councils say today.


LGA: Universal free garden waste collections ‘unnecessary’ and not solution to reducing landfill

"The proposals risk having an adverse impact on local roads, increasing traffic, and pumping out more carbon emissions and making air pollution worse."

Three children playing in a field

LGA responds to CMA report on children’s social care

“The CMA has confirmed our recent findings that private equity providers are making extremely high profits and carrying concerning levels of debt that risks the stability of homes for children in care, which is paramount if they are to thrive."

View allChildren's social care articles

Universal free garden waste collections ‘unnecessary’ and not solution to reducing landfill

“The proposals risk having an adverse impact on local roads, increasing traffic, and pumping out more carbon emissions and making air pollution worse. At the very least if the Government is to proceed, it should fully fund it in the Spending Review.”


LGA responds to CQC State of Care report

“The Spending Review and forthcoming white paper must set out how immediate and short-term pressures in social care will be addressed, involving councils, care workers and those with lived experience, if we are to build back better and develop a care and support system fit for the future.”

View allAdult social care articles
Typical British street in dimmed lighting with shops and cafes down the high street

Local leaders call for long term funding certainty for councils in Spending Review

“Investing in local places is in the national interest and one of the most powerful tools of the levelling up agenda. We call on the Government to ensure that the Spending Review provides both long term certainty and greater levels of funding for local councils.”


LGA responds to government’s Net Zero Strategy

"As leaders of local communities, only councils can mobilise and join up the collective action to achieve net zero in our villages, towns, and cities, and are able to impact on more than a third of local emissions through housing, transport and the natural environment."

Aerial shot of houses

LGA - Climate emergency: Invest in councils to green retrofit over 1,000 homes a day

“From decarbonising building stock, reducing the number of car journeys and delivering clean energy projects, councils have influence over a third of emissions from their areas and have a pivotal role to play in addressing the climate emergency.”