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Solitary bus going down a country road

LGA responds to NAO report on improving local bus services

“Bus services have a critical role to play in the national recovery from COVID-19 and beyond, through supporting local economies, tackling poor air quality and congestion and reaching the country’s net-zero carbon targets by 2050."

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Pavement and yellow line road

LGA responds to DFT consultation on pavement parking

The LGA has long-called for the ban on pavement parking to be extended to all areas of England, with councils able to make exemptions, so we are pleased government has launched this consultation.

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LGA responds to cycling and walking measures

“It is councils who know their local areas best, so they should be given the freedom to work with their local communities to get on with planning active travel infrastructure such as cycling schemes."

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Taxis at night with light of city in the background

LGA responds to announcement of new taxi safety standards

“Current legislation, which dates back to the 19th century, needs to be strengthened following well-documented child exploitation cases where taxi and PHV drivers have abused the trust placed in them. Any undue delay to implementing reforms risks public safety.”

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LGA responds to AA analysis of parking income

'Councils continue to work all day and night to support communities through the COVID-19 crisis but have faced extra cost pressures and significant income losses as a result, as this survey highlights.'

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Solitary bus going down a country road

LGA responds to Transport Secretary funding announcement

“This funding is good news for local communities and will be most effective when it is directed through councils so that they can commission the essential transport services that many people rely on."

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LGA responds to £1.7 billion local roads repairs announcement

Cllr David Renard responds to the Transport Secretary’s announcement of a £1.7 billion investment into repairing local roads to improve journeys for cyclists, pedestrians and drivers.

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A cyclist riding in the countryside

Coronavirus: LGA on measures to promote cycling and walking

“Council are leading local efforts to protect communities from coronavirus and will be central to the nation's recovery. We are pleased the Government has announced measures today to allow councils to help the country transition to the new way we will need to travel around, including to and from work."

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Stagecoach bus on street

Coronavirus: Bus services taking health and care staff to work need rescue package

Bus services which are vital in getting health and care staff and other key workers to the frontline during the coronavirus outbreak will struggle to survive without emergency rescue funding, the Local Government Association says today. The LGA, which represents councils, is concerned that some bus companies and services will not be able to survive the crisis, as the number of passengers has fallen sharply – in some places 75 per cent - with most people now rightly staying safe at home. It wants to work with government on an emergency funding package for buses and council-run public

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Pavement and yellow line road

LGA responds to pavement parking ban consultation

“Pavement parking and damaged pavements is one of the biggest complaints from pedestrians – and not just in London."

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