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LGA responds to Government announcement on funding for social care

"Putting in place the right services and workforce requires forward planning and longer term contracts. Adult social care services still face a £3.5 billion funding gap by 2025, just to maintain existing standards of care."

View allAdult social care articles
photo of young man looking at the city below

LGA responds to Sajid Javid announcement on funding to tackle serious violence

Cllr Simon Blackburn, Chairman of the LGA’s Safer and Stronger Communities Board, responds to announcement by Home Secretary Sajid Javid of a £200 million fund to help target young people at risk of starting a life of crime and violence.

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LGA responds to scrapping of the housing borrowing cap

“It is fantastic that the Government has accepted our long-standing call to scrap the housing borrowing cap."

View allHousing and planning articles

Response to government launch of FGM awareness campaign

“Councils are determined to help stamp out FGM from our local communities, and work alongside police, the NHS and charities to make sure we do all we can to protect women and girls from this horrific form of abuse. “We are pleased the Government has launched this campaign to raise awareness of FGM, which we urge to make use of the invaluable work of the National FGM Centre - a specialist resource that can work in communities across the country - to prevent FGM by working with families and communities to safeguard against this ‘hidden crime’ which can leave victims physically and mentally

View allCommunity safety articles

LGA responds to Theresa May's announcement on mental health and suicide

"Suicide prevention is a high priority for councils, which already provide a range of vital services that support the health and mental wellbeing of our communities."

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LGA responds to NHS Digital figures from the National Child Measurement Programme

"The UK is already one of the most obese nations in western Europe, with one in three 10 and 11-year-olds and one in five four and five-year-olds classed as overweight or obese, respectively."

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LGA responds to report by Think Local Act Personal and the Coalition for Collaborative Care

"Ensuring people are defined not by the services they receive but by the many factors that make them unique human beings must be at the heart of good social care and support."

View allAdult social care articles

LGA responds to RAC pothole breakdown report

“Keeping roads safe for all users is one of the most important jobs councils do and is reflected in the fact that local authorities are fixing a pothole every 21 seconds. “However, only long-term, consistent and fairer government investment in local road maintenance can allow councils to embark on the widespread improvement of our roads that is desperately needed. Spending 52 times more on maintaining our national roads when very few journeys begin and end on a motorway or trunk road will only serve to help motorists reach increased delays and congestion on local roads more quickly. “The LGA

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LGA: Almost £1 billion of European Social Fund at risk of being sent back to Brussels

The Government is likely to fail to invest almost £1 billion in local communities through the European Social Fund (ESF) risking the money being sent back to Brussels, with the deadline for the money to be spent fast approaching, the Local Government Association has warned today.

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LGA responds to Universal Credit delay

"The Government needs to use this delay to work closely with the LGA, councils and stakeholders so that we can provide the best for vulnerable claimants and ensure no-one loses out on transitional protection. "

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