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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Winter is coming: Councils prepare for deep freeze with 1.4 million tonnes of salt at the ready

Councils are preparing for a period of plummeting temperatures, with 1.4 million tonnes of salt stockpiled across the country ready to treat icy roads and pavements.

View allTransport articles
Construction site in the distance with cranes stationary

LGA responds to approval of councils’ UKSPF investment plans

"The Government must now work with councils and combined authorities to overcome any additional local challenges caused by the delay and make the introduction of the fund a success."

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Homeless man sitting on the box on the street

LGA responds to Written Ministerial Statement on additional homelessness support

"This additional funding will provide some much-needed support for local authorities to help prevent vulnerable households from becoming homeless this winter."

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LGA responds to Centre for Mental Health report into pressure on mental health services

Mental health services are under significant pressure and face challenges to keep up with increasing demand.

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Pound cells with different numbers on it

LGA: Councils call for urgent clarity on the future of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Vital locally-led projects for boosting business, supporting local communities and regenerating high streets are at risk due to government delays in approving councils’ investment plans.

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Debate not hate the right engagement matters

LGA: Stamping out abuse of councillors

New toolkit aimed at putting an end to the increasing intimidation reported by a number of councillors as they attempt to go about their daily business supporting local residents.

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LGA responds to Government dental care plan

LGA analysis has shown, there are significant numbers of dental deserts across the country, with many people lacking access to affordable dental care.

Councillor Judi Billing posing for a portrait

Death of Cllr Judi Billing

“For many years Judi worked tirelessly with us and her huge contribution to helping councils improve services for the many people who rely upon them, means she leaves a lasting legacy."

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Downing street board

LGA responds to Autumn Statement

“Councils want to work with central government to develop a long-term strategy to deliver critical local services and growth more effectively. Alongside certainty of funding and greater investment, this also needs wider devolution where local leaders have greater freedom from central government to take decisions on how to provide vital services in their communities.”

Mother comforting her upset young daughter

Social workers seeing record numbers of children with mental health problems

A record number of children with mental health problems were seen by social workers last year, an increase of more than a half in five years, latest figures show.

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