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child in red striped shirt looking out the window

LGA responds to latest children in need statistics

“It is absolutely vital that the Autumn Statement ensures that children’s services are adequately funded so councils can meet this rising demand and ensure children and their families get the support they need, as soon as they need it."

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Young boy with down syndrome and his carer play with a toy

LGA responds to Action for Children report on early years support

“It is vital the Government fully funds the early years entitlements, ensuring providers get the support they need while enabling all children to have access to places.”

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Young boy sat on a bench in a museum

Number of children waiting for secure children’s home place doubles in a year

The number of children in England waiting for a place in a secure children’s home (SCH) has doubled in a year, new figures show, underlining the urgent need for the Government to tackle the severe lack of provision that supports some of the most vulnerable young people in the country.

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Young girl reading a book

LGA responds to Education Committee report on education of looked after children

“We urgently need to reform our children’s social care and SEND systems, including transformational investment in the services that give all children the best start in life.”

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A child dressed in a bear jumpsuit staring sadly at the window.

Soaring demand to protect vulnerable children drives cost of care up by a quarter – new LGA analysis

Soaring demand to protect vulnerable children at risk of harm has seen spending to provide support increase by almost a quarter in five years, with an upcoming national care review a “once-in-a-generation” opportunity to set out long-awaited reform, councils are warning today.

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School children

LGA statement on Queen’s Speech: Schools Bill

"It is good the Government has acted on our call for councils to be allowed to establish their own multi-academy trusts. This recognises the important role of councils as education partners and enables maintained schools to continue enjoying a close working relationship with their council."

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Young children playing together in nursery

LGA responds to SEND and Alternative Provision Green Paper

“Despite the best of intentions, the current system is not working, and we are pleased government has set out reforms to address this. They will only succeed if parents and carers have confidence in the system."

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Young children sharing a large desk and school working

LGA responds to Schools White Paper

“Councils have a crucial role to play in education, from ensuring every child has a school place to turning around struggling schools, and as they showed when providing vital support to schools during the pandemic."

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Colourful canteen meals

Free school meals: One million more school children could be fed if the sign-up process eased, councils urge

More than a million additional school children could receive free school meals and be entitled to extra support funding if the sign-up process for the scheme was simplified and extended to more families.

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Mother lifting her child into the air

SEND review needs to tackle huge rise in tribunal hearings – LGA

“It is vital the Government’s SEND review urgently tackles the increasingly adversarial nature of the SEND system since the 2014 reforms and minimises the need for legal disputes and tribunal hearings, providing the support that every young person and their family needs."

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