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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA responds to DLUHC social housing regulation bill announcement

“The vast majority of social landlords are responsible and provide decent housing to tenants and residents, but recent reports have shone a light on the need for continuous learning and improvement to be made."

Aerial view of housing estate

LGA responds to extension of Right to Buy scheme to housing association tenants

The number of new council homes being built is not able to keep pace with those sold under Right to Buy, and the discounts available, along with the funds that have to be returned to Treasury, are leaving councils with less and less resources to catch up.

Aerial view of the River Wye

Polluted rivers end construction of new homes

More than seven per cent of all of England’s planned house building cannot go ahead due to river pollution levels, with further house building banned in other areas because of low water levels, analysis by the Local Government Association reveals.

View allHousing and planning articles
Construction site in the distance with cranes stationary

Social Housing Management Peer Challenge launched

​​​​​​​The Local Government Association is launching a new peer challenge to support stock-owning councils to improve their management of social housing, in the context of the expectations outlined in the Government’s social housing white paper and recently published Social Housing Regulation Bill.

Homeless man sat down under a walk way with his head in his hands

LGA responds to quarterly homelessness statistics

"Collaboration between central government, councils and housing providers to offer a more supportive approach to recovery and arrears is essential."

New Housing estate building site

£6 billion in Right to Buy discounts threaten future of scheme

Almost £6 billion has been given out in discounts through the Right to Buy (RTB) scheme since the size of the discount was increased in 2012, new analysis by the Local Government Association reveals.

The front of a british home in a leafy suburb

LGA responds to Decent Homes Standard consultation

“It will be vital that councils are sufficiently resourced, through new burdens funding, to support the implementation of the standard, and that it is introduced in a way which minimises disruption to the overall supply of stock in the private rented sector market."

Homeless man sitting on the street and covering his eyes

LGA responds to Kerslake Commission report on homelessness

"In particular, we are calling for a fair, accessible and sufficient mainstream benefits system providing financial stability for low income households, protecting those who are unable to work, reducing health inequalities and linking effectively with key local partners to improve job opportunities and socio-economic wellbeing."

Housing Advisers Programme 2022/23

LGA opens bids for Housing Advisers Programme to tackle local challenges

The Local Government Association is launching the sixth year of the Housing Advisers Programme, an innovative scheme to help councils overcome housing challenges in their local areas.


LGA responds to funding to tackle rogue landlords

Responding for the LGA Cllr David Renard, LGA housing spokesperson, said: “Everyone deserves a safe, decent, warm and affordable place to live, this is critical to the health and wellbeing of communities.