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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Average street in the UK featuring a number of houses and some cars

LGA responds to closure of tax loophole on second homes

"We are pleased the government has listened to councils and is taking action to prevent owners of properties which are not genuine businesses exploiting the rules."

Front door of a house with a picture in the window (1500x1000)

LGA responds to government social housing review

“Councils support measures that help social housing staff to better support residents and ensure any issues are dealt with quickly and satisfactorily."

Man riding a bike passing by a homeless woman

LGA responds to latest quarterly homelessness statistics

“The end to the eviction ban brought in to protect tenants during the pandemic has undoubtedly contributed to this rise in households threatened with homelessness from the private sector, and councils are eager to work with government on a plan to safeguard tenants."

Aerial view of housing estate

Quality rented homes – LGA on Levelling Up White Paper housing and planning announcements

“To support a good quality local private rented offer in their communities and turn this ambition into a reality, the Government needs to ensure councils have the ability to establish landlord licensing schemes and appropriate tools and resources to support the enforcement of the quality of housing."

woman looking out of a window in a darkened room

LGA responds to Crisis report on homelessness trends across the country

“Government support packages such as the temporary eviction ban and £20 Universal Credit uplift have been incredibly helpful throughout the pandemic, but with these now no longer in place, a cross-departmental plan around long-term social and financial resilience and homelessness prevention is urgently needed."

Ariel shot of a housing estate in a sunny setting

LGA responds to DLUHC announcement on supported housing package

“We are pleased that government is acting on councils’ concerns about the minority of unscrupulous landlords who exploit the supported housing system for financial gain while providing poor quality accommodation and support to people in vulnerable circumstances."

View allHousing and planning articles
Ariel shot of a housing estate in a sunny setting

LGA statement on developer building safety arrangements

“We are pleased that the Government has listened to calls the LGA has been making for several years to protect leaseholders from the costs of two decades of industry failure."

View allBuilding safety articles
Woman sat on the end of her bed looking distraught

LGA responds to quarterly homelessness statistics

“The dramatic rise in the number of ‘no fault evictions’ is deeply concerning, as well as the steep rise in approaches to councils from households in the private rented sector. This is putting additional pressure on homelessness services."

Scaffolding surrounds a high rise building

Over 18,000 affordable houses lost in office-to-residential conversions

Permitted development rights should be removed to ensure all conversions and new developments contribute to the delivery of desperately needed affordable homes across the country.

Homeless man sat down under a walk way with his head in his hands

LGA statement on Queen’s Speech: Renters Reform Bill/Social Housing Regulation Bill

“We are pleased that the Government has committed to introducing legislation through the Renters Reform Bill to strengthen protections for private renters and abolish ‘no-fault evictions’. This is something the LGA and councils have been calling for the Government to introduce since it was included in its 2019 manifesto."