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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Wembley Stadium under blue skies during the opening game of the Euros 2020

Sports clubs should shoulder full cost of ground safety certification, not councils – LGA

The Government should blow the full-time whistle on outdated charging regulations that mean the local taxpayer is having to foot the £1 million annual bill for sports clubs to have ground safety certification. 

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Pothole in the rain

Pothole repair funding in UK has reduced more than majority of other OECD nations – LGA analysis

Spending on local road repairs in the UK has been reduced by more than nearly all other OECD countries in almost two decades, new Local Government Association analysis reveals today.

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lots of cranes on building site with a bright blue sky

Local solutions still needed to tackle pollution - LGA on nutrient neutrality announcement

"Short-term local solutions are still needed to address environmental concerns about river pollution. Councils are calling for a doubling down on long-term action to protect rivers by focusing reducing pollution at source."


LGA statement on Sports Strategy

"Embracing new ways of working at national and local level will be key to ensuring all communities have the same levels of access to achieve healthier lifestyles.”

Person with white gloves holding up vaccine

LGA responds to COVID-19 vaccination changes

It is clear that the success of the vaccination programme has allowed us to live with COVID-19. But the threat of new variants still remains a concern, particularly for those who are more vulnerable in our communities.

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New Housing estate building site

Delays to planning fee increase continue to cost taxpayer £5 million a week – councils

​​​​​​​Taxpayers will continue to subsidise planning services by almost £5 million a week until the Government finalises measures to increase fees to cover the cost of processing applications, councils warn today.

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‘Vital government funds children’s services in Autumn Statement’ – LGA on children’s charities warning

“The number of children in need of support from councils is now at its highest level since before the pandemic."

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Woman on landline telephone

Criminals using digital switchover to scam vulnerable residents

​​​​​​​Criminals are exploiting the analogue to digital switchover to scam vulnerable residents who use health care telephony devices into giving out personal information such as bank details, councils are warning today.

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Public bus being driven on the streets of Winchester on a sunny day

End ‘spiral of decline’ of bus services by handing control to councils

By providing councils with new franchising powers they would be able to keep fares down, increase the number of local bus routes and make buses more attractive for everyone to use.

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A home nurse aids an elderly woman to stand up and walk

Uplifts in funding needed to meet demand - LGA on Health Foundation analysis of adult social care funding

“Significant uplifts are needed in funding for social care in order to meet future demand, let alone address the ever growing rise in current unmet and under met need."

View allAdult social care articles