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Public bus being driven on the streets of Winchester on a sunny day

Future of local buses at risk as councils face £450 million bill to prop up national free bus pass scheme – new LGA analysis

Councils have said the way the concessionary travel scheme is funded by Whitehall is unfit for purpose and prevents councils from investing in more reliable bus services.

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Two young women and one man sitting next to each other working on desktop computers in an office environment

LGA statement on ability of councils to decide how to address workforce challenges

"More than nine in 10 councils are experiencing staff recruitment and retention difficulties across a diverse range of skills, professions and occupations."

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Magnifying glass over a bar chart

Launch of Office for Local Government – LGA response

“Councils are responsible for shaping their places and to do this effectively they need data about the activities and performance of the rest of the public sector (including central government) in their local authority area. Therefore, the new Local Authority Data Explorer should include a wider set of metrics in future and not just those about council performance. 

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Shaun Davies at LGA conference 2023

LGA Chair Cllr Shaun Davies' speech to the LGA Annual Conference 2023

Cllr Davies address the LGA Annual Conference on 4 July 2023.

Debate not hate the right engagement matters

LGA: Number of councillors feeling personally at risk in role reaches new high

The number of local councillors who have reported feeling at risk in their role due to rising levels of abuse and intimidation has increased to a new high in the last year.

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An older man and a younger man with down syndrome smiling at each other

Scrap plan for single word inspection ratings for underfunded adult social care services - LGA

“It is clear that most councils are struggling to meet all of their legal duties under the Care Act. Given that, it seems absurd to push ahead with single word ratings for adult social care departments."

Young children playing together in nursery

Nine in 10 councils concerned about nursery capacity ahead of 30 hours free childcare extension – new LGA research

Nearly nine in 10 councils fear that nursery closures this year will undermine capacity ahead of the rollout of the Government’s extension of the 30 hours free childcare scheme, new research by the Local Government Association reveals today. 

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solar panels in a green field

1,300 clean power projects with permission awaiting construction, say councils

“It’s fantastic to see a rapid rise in planning permissions for green energy projects. However, the numbers awaiting construction is concerning, with many pointing to delays in securing the grid infrastructure that connects solar panels to kettles."


New powers do not go far enough - LGA on increased fines for litter, graffiti and fly-tipping

“Councils want courts to look at fly-tipping as an offence first, rather than at the individual and their ability to pay, as well as more use of suspended sentences, or custodial sentences for anyone convicted of a second fly-tipping offence."

An adult woman helping an elderly to stand from his bed

Social care workforce plan needed - LGA on Skills for Care report

“While it is positive to see the size of the social care workforce increasing, we know that issues remain with a huge number of vacancies unfilled."