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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Heatwave: bathers warned of drowning risk following recent deaths

"Councils want to make sure everyone is safe around water, which is why we are urging people to follow our advice to be careful and vigilant to the dangers."

View allSevere weather articles
View allCommunity safety articles

LGA responds to NAO report on packaging recycling obligations

Councils have long called for the packaging industry to get around the table with us to reduce the amount of unrecyclable material that goes into packaging.


LGA responds to Health and Social Care Secretary's maiden speech

“This funding is good news for the sector, but it should be focused on delivering on joint local priorities rather than simply NHS national priorities. “It is essential that councils have a significant input into local decisions on how this funding is used so that data is effectively shared in the interests of people using services and processes are streamlined across health and care systems. “It’s good to see the Secretary of State’s focus on prevention which is the surest way to reduce hospital admissions and reduce pressures on the NHS and adult social care, which needs to be put on an

View allAdult social care articles

LGA responds to Government vision for fostering and children's social care

"Ninety children a day entered care in the last year, and councils saw the biggest annual increase of children in care since 2010. "

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LGA responds to new relationships and health education guidance

Councils called for sex and relationship education (SRE) to be made compulsory in all secondary schools, and were pleased when the Government announced this would happen last year.

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LGA responds to Ofsted's children's social care data

Protecting children and helping them to get the very best in life is one of the most important things that councils do and it is positive that the proportion of children’s services departments rated good or outstanding has increased

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View allChildren's social care articles

Double council tax on empty homes - councils urge Lords to back new powers

Thousands of empty properties across England could be brought back into use if councils are allowed to double the rate of extra council tax on empty homes, local government leaders say today.

Crowd of people from above

National PrEP programme - LGA response

We fully support PrEP being made available to everyone who needs it and are working with Public Health England and NHS England to launch a national programme following the trial period and subsequent evaluation to avoid any delay in national roll-out.

Hospital bed

LGA responds to research on end of life care

Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, responds to research by King’s College London on palliative and end-of-life care.


LGA responds to Mencap Court of Appeal case decision on sleep-in shift payments to carers

“This ruling will come as a relief to care providers and councils because it removes considerable uncertainty and a potential considerable unfunded burden on top of already significant financial pressures on the adult social care sector."

View allAdult social care articles